Peaches & Cream Overnight Oats

vegan peaches and cream overnight oats

My absolute favorite overnight oats recipe, with a peach twist! You can definitely use different fruit or just leave it out completely for more of a vanilla version. The best part? This recipe is a five-minute, blender situation that is the most simple. The only catch is you need to let it sit overnight (or about 8 hours)… as the name suggests. On top of being a super easy breakfast, these overnight oats are packed with protein, healthy fats, fiber + loads of nutrients.

If you’ve never had overnight oats or the thought of cold oatmeal grosses you out.. I get it. But it definitely sounds weirder than it tastes. First, I use steel cut oats so it’s a little chewier + more dense than “soggy”. Second, think of it like a creamy, delicious thick pudding of sorts. I swear it’s so delicious and there’s nothing better than waking up knowing breakfast is already done, right? Let me know what you think if you give this a try!


(makes about 6-8 servings)

1 cup steel cut oats
3 donut peaches (or 2 regular)
1 can full-fat coconut milk (~ 1.5 cups)*
1 cup water
4 small pitted dates (or 2 large)
1/4 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened
1/4 cup cashews, unsalted
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch salt

*You can use a different milk of choice, it will just probably be a little thinner. In that case, cut the water in half to 1/2 cup.


Roughly chop the peaches, leaving the skin on is suggested for extra nutrition. Add 3/4 of the peaches to the blender, saving the rest.

Add the rest of ingredients and mix until everything’s combined and smooth.

Pour into glass containers of your choice and mix in those extra diced peaches with a spoon (you might want to chop these a little smaller at this time).

Let sit, covered, overnight in the fridge or at least 8 hours. Enjoy on it’s own or add extra fruit, nuts, coconut flakes, honey, nut butters, etc. on top! Anything goes.