Turmeric Latte: Made Simple

Turmeric Latte

By this point everyone is pretty aware of turmeric and it’s health benefits, right? Or if not you’ve at least heard about it. Yes, it’s definitely “on trend” in the wellness world right now, but for good reason. It’s one of the most anti-inflammatory foods on the planet and has been used for thousands of years to heal. On top of fighting inflammation, it’s been shown to boost skin health, reduce depression symptoms, improve digestion, fight arthritis, and more.

Whether you’re in it for the health benefits or it’s insanely golden color.. I’m glad you’re on board. Turmeric lattes (also known as “golden milk”) are one of my favorite warming drinks to make. Filled with spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom– it reminds me of chai and truly gives all the feels. Since we’re officially into fall, I figured it was time to get back on board with drinking hot things.

However, the major downside of making a turmeric latte in general is the number of ingredients it takes. Every single time I want one, a handful of spices have to come out. Sometimes I measure, most times I don’t. And whether you’re using fresh spices or dried, it’s definitely the opposite of simple.

Enter: this turmeric latte spice mix. *gasp* I’m not sure why it took me so long to think of this, but it’s life changing. All the spices and flavors have been measured so that you now only need one jar out of the cupboard. #praisebe

Of course you still have to add your milk of choice and I like to include honey, coconut oil and sometimes collagen as well, but this spice mix saves so much time (and mess). If you prefer to use fresh ginger or fresh turmeric, this probably isn’t the recipe for you. But for convenience, I absolutely love it!

PS: When turmeric is mixed with black pepper, it’s absorption increases by over 2000%. It also does best when taken with a fat. So in this latte, you have both!

Turmeric Latte Turmeric Latte


(mix makes about 20-24 single servings)

1/3 cup turmeric powder
2.5 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp cinnamon
1.5 tsp ground cardamom
1/8 tsp black pepper
pinch salt

add-ins for latte (per serving):
16 oz milk of choice (I love coconut or almond)
1.5 tsp golden milk mix
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp honey

optional: collagen


Heat milk in small pot.

You can whisk add-in ingredients right into the pan, but I personally like to throw everything with the warm/hot milk into the blender. It makes for a frothy and easy latte.

(Yes, your blender might stain if you don’t rinse right away. It’s a risk I’m willing to take [ha]. And while I’ve stained before, it’s gone away eventually. I’ve also heard sitting it in the sun removes the color as well!)

Feel free to adjust to your taste buds! There’s no wrong way to make this.